



未成年人 are available to declared baccalaureate degree students as an option in the Landmark College curriculum.

A minor provides the student with an opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the major. This could be an area that complements the student’s major or different area of interest a student wishes to explore. Students may not minor in the same area of study as their baccalaureate degree. A minor is not required to earn a bachelor’s degree.

Engaging in the study of a discipline through a minor promotes connections to multiple departments, as well as to a subject area that a student may choose to pursue beyond the attainment of their bachelor’s degree. A completed minor is noted on a student’s degree transcript and serves as further demonstration of a student’s intellectual persistence and dedication to a particular academic discipline.

辅修课程要求15 - 24学分. Some minors may require completion of prerequisites that are not included in the total requirements of the minor.

The following are required by a student pursuing a minor:

  • 学生期望获得C (2).0) average in the minor requirements to earn the minor.
  • At least one-third of the credits in the minor must be earned at Landmark College.
  • At least nine credits in the minor must be unique to the minor and not meet a major requirement.
  • At least six credits in the minor must be at the 3000 level or higher.


  • A minor in 沟通 provides students with the opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the student’s declared major. The communication minor could focus on improving interpersonal communication, 信息设计, 讲故事, 项目管理, 团队建设, 媒体制作, 或者公共关系.

    辅修通讯需要21个学分. Students must earn an average of C or better in all 21 credits. At least seven credits in the minor must be earned at Landmark College. At least nine credits earned in the minor must be unique to the minor and not meet a major requirement.


    • COM1011通讯概论 
    • 一门3000 - 4000级COM课程


    • 15 credits (at least 6 credits at the 3000 - 4000 level) in
      • 通信(COM)
      • 新闻(JRN)
  • A minor in 残疾研究 provides students with the opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the student’s declared major. The 残疾研究 minor focuses on sociocultural, 心理, 生物, and legal underpinnings of disabilty and neurodiversity. Curriculum in the minor provides exploration of topics related to identity, 诊断, 文化, 心理健康, 和健康.

    The 残疾研究 minor requires 21 total credits. Students must earn an average of C or better in all 21 credits. At least seven credits in the minor must be earned at Landmark College. At least nine credits earned in the minor must be unique to the minor and not meet a major requirement.

    残疾研究 Foundation Requirements: 9 credits

    • 残疾/能力研究导论 
    • 文化和社区中的神经多样性
    • PSY3051精神病理学 & 心理健康 
    • A capstone or internship focused on disability or neurodiversity may be substituted for EDU3013 or PSY3051.

    残疾研究 Focus Area Requirements: 12 credits

    • 选择四门课程
      • ANT2011语言与文化 
      • BIO3021行为神经科学 
      • 跨文化能力 
      • 学习障碍研讨会 
      • 学习差异,政治研讨会 & 文化 
      • 公民权利 & 社会运动 
      • HUM3071 Representation of Neurodiversity in Pop 文化 
      • PSY2041 Id探索:神经多样性叙事
      • PSY3022电影心理学 
      • PSY3061多样性心理学 
      • 多元世界中的社会认同 
  • A minor in 教育 provides students with the opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the student’s declared major. The education minor focuses on education philosophy, educational psychology, and student development.

    辅修课程需要18个学分. Students must earn an average of C or better in all 18 credits. At least six credits in the minor must be earned at Landmark College. At least nine credits earned in the minor must be unique to the minor and not meet a major requirement.


    • EDU1031教育概论 
    • 教育哲学 


    • 在EDU获得三个学分(任何级别)
    • Nine credits (at least six credits at the 3000 - 4000 level) in
      • 教育(EDU)
      • 心理学(小组)
  • A minor in 环境生物学 provides students with the opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the student’s declared major. The environmental biology minor provides students with the tools and the general understanding of environment-related issues necessary to live and work in an increasingly interdependent society.

    The 环境生物学 minor requires 18 total credits. Students must earn an average of C or better in all 18 credits. At least six credits in the minor must be earned at Landmark College. At least nine credits earned in the minor must be unique to the minor and not meet a major requirement.

    环境生物学 Foundation Requirement: 8 credits

    • 选择两门课程:
      • BIO1521生物学原理1 
      • BIO1522生物学原理2 

    环境生物学 Focus Area Requirements: 10 credits

    • 从以下课程中选择10个学分. 必须至少包括:
      • 2000级的7个学分
      • 3000 - 4000等级的3个学分
    • 2000级:
      • BIO2021植物生物学 
      • 环境科学 
      • 气候变化:原因 & 解决方案 
    • 3000 - 4000级:
      • BIO3031进化 
      • ECO3011冬季生态学 
      • ECO3012生态 
      • ENV3011可持续原则 
      • 淡水生态学 
      • 环境政策 & 政治 
  • A minor in 心理学 provides students with the opportunity to take on a second area of focus beyond the student’s declared major.  心理学辅修课程侧重于关键概念, 理论, and perspectives in psychology and neurodiversity as well as the scope and limitations of the discipline. Curriculum in the minor provides opportunities to develop the cultural competence to engage with all forms of social diversity.

    辅修心理学需要21个学分. Students must earn an average of C or better in all 21 credits. At least seven credits in the minor must be earned at Landmark College. At least nine credits earned in the minor must be unique to the minor and not meet a major requirement.


    • 心理学导论 
    • 选择一门课程
      • 学习困难中的Sem,政治学 & 文化
      • PSY3061多样性心理学 
      • 多元世界中的社会认同 


    • PSY的三个学分达到2000+的水平
    • 12 credits (at least six credits at the 3000 - 4000 level) in any of
      • 教育(EDU)
      • 应用统计学
      • 心理学(小组)