



地标学院的目标 健康、咨询和保健工作人员 is to support and enhance the health and wellness of the Landmark College community. 我们为学生提供高质量的护理, as well as training and consultation to the College community. 我们的健康服务和咨询服务部门紧密合作,为学生创造一个温馨的环境,让他们可以安全地提出困难的问题,并探索新的成功途径.

Health and counseling services are free to all students attending Landmark College on campus. 接种疫苗可能要收费, 处方, 流感疫苗, 或者像膝盖这样的硬物, 手腕, 或者脚踝固定器或夹板. 的se charges will be billed to tuition accounts.

所有住在校园里的新生和返校学生都将自动被收取费用并注册 学生健康保险计划 通过加拉格保险公司, 除非他们有其他, 并填写在线决定表拒绝保险,并将其健康保险信息提交给Gallagher保险公司. Online-only students are exempt from this requirement. 


9 a.m. – 4 p.m.

点击此链接获取有关的信息 下班后发生紧急情况时该怎么办

9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Appointments for Health Services are REQUIRED to reduced potential exposure to illness. To make an appointment for Health Services or 咨询服务, contact Cindy Brown between 8 a.m. 和4p.m. at 802-387-1636. 您可以通过电子邮件预约健康服务 (电子邮件保护).

Download our Transition of Medical and Mental Health Care to Landmark College guide. 这是一份可打印的PDF文档,其中包含帮助您无缝转换医疗保健需求的步骤.

Frequently Asked Questions about Health Services & 咨询服务

  • 具有里程碑意义的学院健康服务的使命是保持学生身体的最佳身心健康,并通过这样做, contribute to the academic and social success of our students. 我们通过提供高质量的临床护理和健康教育来促进健康的行为和生活方式的选择.

    Landmark College Health Services提供广泛的医疗服务,类似于您在家中的常规医疗保健. 我们治疗各种疾病和伤害. We provide monitoring of chronic health conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. 我们提供性保健, 妇女的健康, 变性人照顾, 支持戒烟, 体重管理, 营养, 还有睡眠问题. We also make referrals to area specialists as well as to other resources like physical therapists, 按摩师或牙医. We provide flu clinics annually during the fall semester. Blood drawing is offered on-site with lab samples sent to a local laboratory. 健康服务临床医生与咨询人员进行常规合作,并在学生入学时签署许可.

    许多学生每天都在服药. 其中一些药物需要每月补充一次,因为它们是兴奋剂或抗焦虑药物等受控物质. 学生可以在家里附近与处方医生保持联系,也可以与兼职医生联系, consulting psychiatrist or full-time nurse practitioner here. 卫生服务人员可以与学生现有的提供者合作和组织,以管理持续的护理, arrange pharmacy services or obtain lab specimens. Due to the fact that many students’ providers are out of state, 卫生服务部门可以协助提供时间敏感或需要州内提供者开具的处方.

    Students are seen by appointment on 星期一至星期五 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. To make an appointment, call Cindy Brown at (802) 387-1636. Health Services is closed on weekends and Holidays and after 4 p.m. 星期一至星期五.

  • 具有里程碑意义的大学健康和咨询服务保持严格的保密政策,以努力保护学生的隐私. This includes ALL Health and Counseling staff, full-time, part-time, and student employees. Health Service and Counseling records are kept separately. All medical records are confidential and are maintained separately from academic records. 健康和咨询服务的隐私政策是基于健康保险流通与责任法案(HIPAA)。. 的 clinicians of Health and 咨询服务 collaborate routinely with your permission. No information is released without the student’s written authorization. This includes parents (unless the student is under 18). 的re are, however, certain circumstances in which confidentiality is waived:

    When there is risk of imminent harm to self or others, the Health Service staff has a legal and ethical duty to do whatever is necessary to protect life.



  • 《网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行》(HIPAA)规定了如何处理医疗记录. Only Health Services staff may access your medical records on campus. 没有其他地标学院的教员, 工作人员或管理员可以访问您的医疗记录,除非您签署了该信息的发布. 除非您明确同意,否则卫生服务人员将对您的医疗记录和其他Landmark College教职员工的护理保密, 以书面形式, 共享受保护的运行状况信息.


  • 地标学院不再能够确保药房合作伙伴为学生提供药物到校园. 因此学生, 还有他们的父母, need to have very specific plans for obtaining prescription drugs while they are in residence.

    在一月学期和春季学期之前的几周内,关注这些细节是非常重要的. 的 Transition of Medical and Mental Health Care to Landmark will help guide students and their families in considering how to manage wellness while on campus. 

    Mail-order pharmacy delivery is the easiest method for students without transportation, and is Landmark College's preferred method of recieving medications. 拨打你保险卡背面的客户服务或药房服务电话,询问他们可能允许哪些服务. 大多数邮购计划只需要建立一个在线账户,上传你的保险和付款信息. 然后,开处方者将处方直接发送到药房门户,他们的药物直接送到校园的学生手中. This includes stimulants and controlled substances. Students must attend to the “delivery address” in the account based on when they are on campus.

    普特尼没有药房, but there are many local pharmacies students and their prescribers can utilize. Students who have a vehicle may drive to pick up medications within 10-20 minutes from campus. 你可以在任何一家药店开立账户,向他们提供你的保险和信用卡信息,以便共同支付. Health Services will not set up accounts or facilitate pick-up of the medications. 卫生服务部门可以帮助你选择药剂. 计划很快就.

    If you cannot take advantage of a mail-order prescription service, you can request the following pharmacies for assistance filling a prescription:

    Landmark College的首选合作伙伴:



    基恩,NH -3431

    (603) 357-2840




    为什么Landmark会选择它? Because this CVS location is open 24 hours a day, 在不耽误宝贵的上课时间的情况下,找时间(和开车)去取处方要容易得多.





    (802) 257-5592




    药剂师下午1:30 - 2点休息




    (802) 254-5633




    太阳:11 am-4pm

    药剂师下午1:30 - 2点休息



    Hinsdale, NH 03451

    (603) 336-5538



    坐——9 am-7pm


  • Sometimes talking with a friend or family member is not enough. 我们的咨询师是训练有素的心理健康专家,拥有多年的经验,为有学习差异和心理健康问题的大学生提供服务. We are personally, professionally, and legally committed to your right to privacy.

    You may come to counseling when you are feeling stressed, upset, confused, or just curious. 我们为您提供机会,在一个保密的环境中探索您的想法,这样您就可以充分利用您在地标学院的时间.

    In the first few sessions you can share your concerns, 提供相关历史, 为自己设定一些咨询目标. 每次咨询的经历都是独一无二的,取决于你是否准备好了,是否有能力实现你为自己设定的目标. 的 process will help you learn new ways to manage feelings and situations, 并获得对自己和他人的理解.

    在某些情况下, 辅导员可能会建议你参加我们的一个小组,或者向校外提供者寻求更多的重症监护.

    咨询服务 at Landmark College see over 30% of our student body. 我们致力于帮助您培养追求学术和个人目标所需的意愿和弹性.

  • 首先,优先安排咨询预约. 专注于对你最重要的事情, 表达你的想法和感受, be open and honest within the counseling relationship, and be patient with yourself; change takes time.

  • Landmark College的咨询服务是免费的! Appointments are generally 45 minutes once a week.


    Our office manager, Cindy Brown, or one of the counselors will help you fill out a request form.

    If you are on campus and connected to the Landmark College network, 您也可以使用以下网址注册: http://titanium.具有里程碑意义The.edu/tiweb/WCMenu.aspx. 一旦您提交了表单, a counselor will contact you via your Landmark College email account within three business days.
