


Things to Do Near Campus

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Landmark College students walk down street in 伯瑞特波罗

截至2021年5月 ...

给n the current COVID-19 pandemic, travel restrictions are subject to change with weekly guidance from the State of Vermont Dep艺术ment of Health. Updated travel instructions are emailed weekly to students and outings are limited to local Vermont and New Hampshire destinations.

伯瑞特波罗, Vermont is 15 minutes from campus and has been named one of the 10 best small 艺术s towns in America. Home to an 艺术 deco movie theater and numerous shops 和餐馆, the town is a favorite destination for students. Restaurant offerings include sushi, 柴火披萨, 泰国菜, 汉堡, 浓缩咖啡, 百吉饼, 糕点, 烧烤, 冷冻酸奶, 和更多的.

A short walk from campus, the town center of 帕特尼 features a food co-op, 一个披萨店, 一个小餐馆, and several other 餐厅, as well as live music, 艺术, 和戏剧.

Students in 搜索 of outdoor experiences will find world-class skiing, 滑雪, 皮划艇, 在附近徒步旅行.

基恩, New Hampshire is 30 minutes east of 帕特尼 and offers a movie cinema, 餐厅, 大卖场, and specialty food and gift shops.

Landmark College is located in 帕特尼, Vermont in the southeastern p艺术 of the state. The campus is two and a half hours from Boston and four hours from New York.

At this time, Landmark College offers free 航天飞机服务 to 伯瑞特波罗 and Keene ONLY. Travel opportunities to Boston, the Holyoke Mall in Holyoke, 麻萨诸塞州, and local ski areas may be added in 2021 pending ongoing pandemic travel guidance.

Launch Southern Vermont

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