


研究 & 培训的博客

Moving the Needle: 资源 for 家庭 of Neurodivergent Learners

作者:Adam R. Lalor和Michelle Deal


[Q]uality parenting is one of the best predictors of one’s developmental trajectory across the lifespan.

——莫里斯等人., 2020

Family members often get a bad rap in education—being called “overbearing” and “helicopter parents.” The reality is that many neurodivergent learners would go unserved in education if not for their 家庭 fighting for access, 股本, 和包容(伯克), 2015). 不幸, many 家庭 report limited familiarity with the rights of their neurodivergent child, 他们作为父母的权利, and the services and programs to which they may be entitled (e.g., residential, vocational, education; Gilson et al., 2017). Knowledge of these rights and resources vary considerably across age, 收入水平, 种族和其他因素, 但, 整体, 家庭 perceive their knowledge to be minimal (Gilson et al., 2017).

Despite the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 2004 requiring that parents and guardians be (a) informed of their rights, (b) provided the opportunity and encouraged to participate in the creation of the individualized education plan (IEP) and associated meetings, (c)被允许审查教育记录, (d)同意接受服务, and (e) afforded the opportunity to disagree with decisions rendered in the IEP process; it is unfortunate that so many 家庭 feel as if they lack knowledge related to their rights and the services and programs to which their children are entitled.

尽管被赋予了提问的能力, the fact is that many 家庭 feel unqualified or too intimidated to actively participate in the process, or are unable to participate in the process for a variety of reasons, including not fully understanding the technical/legal documents sent to them for review (Quintero et al., 2023; Sanderson, 2023).

关于神经多样性的信息, 过渡, 学者, 律法是丰富的, 但其中很大一部分密度很大, 被动, 并散布在互联网上, requiring the family member to try to identify how it can be used “in the real world.” 

With all of this in mind, 具有里程碑意义的大学’s Learning Technologies 研究 and Development (LTR&D) department has developed the 具有里程碑意义的大学 Family Resource Hub to support family education around neurodivergence and 过渡. With content support from the 具有里程碑意义的大学 Institute for 研究 and 培训 (LCIRT) and countless faculty and staff, along with iterative feedback and guidance from 具有里程碑意义的大学 students and 家庭, the Hub is an online platform of curated content and activities for 家庭 of neurodivergent learners who are in high school and looking to pursue college. 
The curated content is organized into self-contained modules, each with a single objective designed to reduce family-member fatigue while maximizing learning. Modules are designed to take less than 15 minutes each. 从本质上讲,这是一种循序渐进的学习方式! 当前的主题包括:

  • 学习技术
  • 隐形课程
  • 选择合适的大学
  • 执行功能

Additional modules will be added to the Family Resource Hub throughout the year. 点击这里查看 http://familyhub.tianjingkeji.com/
具有里程碑意义的大学 prides itself on supporting neurodivergent people, 家庭, 教育工作者, and allies through the translation of theory and re搜索 into knowledge and skills that can be used. We hope that the Family Resource Hub continues the tradition of supporting a more accessible, 公平的, and inclusive learning experience for children and young adults.



伯克,M. M. (2015). Parent advocacy for inclusive education in the United States. Inclusive education for students with intellectual disabilities. 在R. G. 懦夫,. J. S. 莫林,D. 特蕾西,博士. 帕克, & H. F. 钟(Eds.), Inclusive Education for 学生 with Intellectual Disabilities (pp. 231-248). 资讯时代出版.

Gilson C. B.白求恩,L. K.卡特,E. W., & 麦克米兰,E. D. (2017). Informing and equipping parents of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. 智力和发育障碍; 55(5), 347-360. 

莫里斯,一个. S.杰斯珀森,J. E.科斯格罗夫,K. T.拉特利夫,E. L., & 克尔,K. L. (2020). Parent education: What we know and moving forward for greatest impact. 家庭关系, 69(3), 520-542.

坤脱罗,年代.Zraick, R. I.罗萨-卢戈,L. I., & 斯卡拉歌剧院. D. (2023). Readability of Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part B Procedural Safeguards Notices Written in Spanish. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 54(1), 355-363.

桑德森,K. A. (2023). “Be prepared to fight like Hell”: Parent advice for IEP meetings. 除外,队.
